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Accepted MA Waiver Programs

CADI Waiver

Community Access for Disability Inclusion (CADI) Waiver: Program that provides home and community-based services to children and adults with disabilities who require the level of care provided in a nursing facility. These services are an alternative to institutionalization. They help a person live as independently as possible in community settings and promote optimal health, independence, safety and community integration.

To be eligible for the CADI Waiver, a person must choose to live in the community and meet all of the following criteria:

  • Be eligible for Medical Assistance (MA) based on a disability or other eligibility status
  • Be certified disabled by Social Security or the State Medical Review Team (SMRT) process
  • Be younger than 65 years old at time of opening to the waiver for the first time
  • Be assessed using MnCHOICES to need the level of care provided in a nursing facility
  • Have an assessed need for supports and services beyond those available through the MA state plan.

The following services are covered under the CADI Waiver. For a service-specific policy page, select a service from the list:

  • 24-hour emergency assistance
  • Adult companion services
  • Adult day services (includes family adult day services)
  • Adult day services bath
  • Caregiver living expenses
  • Case management
  • Case management aide
  • Chore services
  • Crisis respite
  • Consumer directed community supports (CDCS)
  • Customized living (including 24-hour)
  • Employment development services
  • Employment exploration services
  • Employment support services
  • Environmental accessibility adaptations
  • Extended home care services (includes extended home care nursing, extended home health aide, extended home care therapies, extended personal care assistance)
  • Family training and counseling
  • Foster care for adults
  • Foster care for children
  • Home-delivered meals
  • Homemaker
  • Housing access coordination
  • Independent living skills (ILS) training
  • Individualized home supports
  • In-home family supports
  • Night supervision services
  • Personal support
  • Positive support services (formerly behavioral support)
  • Prevocational services
  • Remote support
  • Individualized home supports
  • Respite
  • Specialist services
  • Specialized equipment and supplies (includes personal emergency response systems [PERS])
  • Supported employment services
  • Transitional services
  • Transportation

Brain Injury Waiver

The Brain Injury Waiver provides funding for home and community-based services for children and adults who have an acquired or traumatic brain injury.

People may receive BI Waiver services in their home, in a biological or adoptive family’s home, a relative’s home (e.g. sibling, aunt, grandparent etc.), a family foster care home, a corporate foster care home, a board and lodging facility or in an assisted living facility. If married, a person may receive BI Waiver services while living at home with his or her spouse.

Brain Injury Waiver

Who is eligible for BI Waiver services?

A screening process determines if you are eligible for the BI Waiver. You are eligible if you meet the following criteria:

  • Are assessed at Level IV or above on the Rancho Los Amigos Levels of Cognitive Functioning Scale
  • Are certified as disabled by the State Medical Review Team or by the Social Security Administration
  • Are eligible for Medical Assistance
  • Are under the age of 65 years when the waiver is opened
  • Are determined to need the level of care available in a nursing facility or neurobehavioral hospital
  • Choose services in the community instead of services in a nursing facility or neurobehavioral hospital
  • Have a documented diagnosis of traumatic or acquired brain injury or degenerative disease diagnosis where cognitive impairment is present, provided the diagnosis is not congenital
  • Experience significant/severe behavioral and cognitive problems related to the injury or disease

What else is important for participation in the BI Waiver?

Once your eligibility is determined for participation in the BI Waiver, certain questions must be asked about services including:

  • Are the services necessary to ensure your recipient’s health, welfare and safety?
  • Have all options been assessed and does this option meet your needs and preferences?
  • Is the cost of the service considered reasonable and customary?
  • Is the service covered by any other funding source, for example, Medical Assistance state plan services, private health care coverage, Medicare, education or Vocational Rehabilitation Service funding?

Elderly Waiver

The Elderly Waiver (EW) program provides home and community-based services for people who need the level of care provided in a nursing home but who choose to live in the community. You must qualify for Medical Assistance to be eligible for Elderly Waiver services.


To qualify, you must:

  • Be age 65 or older
  • Be eligible for Medical Assistance
  • Need nursing home level of care as determined by the Long-Term Care Consultation process
  • Need services that Elderly Waiver can provide for less than the cost of care in a nursing home.


Covered services may include:

  • Adult day services
  • Case management
  • Chore services
  • Companion services
  • Consumer-directed community supports
  • Family caregiver support services, including respite
  • Home health aides
  • Home-delivered meals
  • Homemaker services
  • Home and vehicle modifications
  • Individual community living supports (ICLS)
  • Non-medical transportation
  • Personal emergency response systems
  • Personal care assistance
  • Residential services, such as customized living services, foster care or other type of residential care
  • Skilled nursing visits
  • Specialized equipment and supplies
  • Transitional services

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