Medical Services

Our expert professionals provide a wide range of highly skilled care.

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Expert Care

These days, medications play an important role in the treatment of a wide variety of medical issues for assisted living residents. Having the right prescriptions and over-the-counter meds can either reduce or eliminate the patient’s symptoms to greatly improve their quality of life.

You want to be confident that your health is in the best hands. With Hope Residential, you’ll get a health provider with years of experience caring for all types of individuals.

In addition to receiving premium care, you’ll also be working with healthcare professionals who are focused on you. Our outstanding team of home health professionals are diverse and the best in the business, and our team includes registered nurses and home health aides.

Medication Management

Medication management is an important part of the overall treatment plan for assisted living and elderly individuals who take multiple medications to treat multiple diseases or disorders. The management of meds makes use of the knowledge of  home care aides, and other caregivers and health professionals to make certain that the patient is reaping the greatest benefit and best possible outcomes from their medications.

Certified/Licensed Personnel
All medications are administered by trained healthcare professionals

Prescription Review
RN and pharmacist routinely review medications, dosages and administration times in order to reduce potential issues and optimize effectiveness

  • Blood glucose testing available
  • Injections insulin and other
  • Staff: Registered Nurse available
  • Staff: Trained staff or home health aide on-site 24hrs
  • Collaboration with other healthcare professionals

Medication Administration

Residents in assisted living (AL) frequently need assistance with medication management..Medication management is a critical service offered in most assisted living communities. After all, 77.5% of residents in assisted living need help with medications, according to one recent study. That same study noted that, on average, residents took 13 medications, 3 of them on a daily basis.

Hope Residential service is designed to help individuals manage their medications so they take them on time, all the time, and avoid the dangers of incorrect medication administration.

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We are dedicated to creating a true home for our residents and providing carefree environment with a lifestyle of comfort, wellness and community

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